When you hire a professional cleaning service, you want to make sure that they are hitting all the spots in the office building, not just the easiest or most obvious. We’ve put together a list of the spots that we see overlooked most often. Don’t worry, we make sure these places are checked off our list after every cleaning!
- Behind the toilet
It’s easy to remember the bathroom, and especially the toilet, but the space behind the toilet is often overlooked. The floor tiles under and around the toilet, as well as the base of the toilet, are important spots to clean on a daily or weekly basis (depending on the office volume).
- Window tracks and blinds
It’s easy to forget about the blinds and window boxes, especially since these spots don’t typically need to be cleaned on a daily basis. It’s easy to notice when the windows are smudged or dirty, but the tracks and blinds can be less noticeable. However, these spaces do accumulate dust and it is important for your commercial janitorial service to be cleaning these on a semi-regular basis.
- Air vents
Since the vents are pushing around the air you breathe on a daily basis, it is important to keep them clean and dry. This is especially true in an office building where you have many employees sharing the same space for hours at a time. The easiest way for the full staff to fall under the weather is to be blowing contaminants into the air.
- Trim and baseboards
This may seem like a strange one, but dusty and dirty trim will be easily noticeable to clients in the office. You likely don’t even notice things like this in a space that you use every day, but clients who are new to the building will. Especially if the trim and baseboards are noticeably dirty in your front office or waiting room.
- Door knobs
This is one spot where dirtiness won’t necessarily be noticeable, but it is one of the most important spots on the list. A dirty door knob spreads germs. This is something that is touched by everyone entering and leaving the building on a daily basis. Giving it a good wipe down with an antibacterial cleaner on a daily basis is a good idea.
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